General tips Summary Statement 5

Engineers! If you have started the process for immigration to Australia and now are writing your CDR, these articles aim to help you in your CDR writing. In series of these articles, earlier we have provided guidance on Career Episodes writing and now are guiding you through the Summary Statement preparation.


In past three articles we have started talking about your Summary Statement and have already covered first two sections. Please find out past articles on Summary Statement preparation on our Facebook page or on our website . Today we will talk about the third section of your Summary Statement – the “Professional and Personal Attributes”.


This section of the Summary Statement has six elements that are not directly related to your Engineering work but covers various additional sides of your competencies as an Engineer. I would say that this part of the Summary Statement is easier to understand and cover than the other two parts.


Still two elements out of six are quite confusing and these are element 3.1 “Ethical conduct and professional accountability” and element” 3.3 “Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour”. The rest of the elements are quite straightforward.


Let’s talk about element 3.1  “Ethical conduct and professional accountability”. The easiest way to cover this element is by writing indicators that refer to “risk management process” and to “safety of other people and protection of the environment”.  You can also refer to the “Engineers Australia Code of Ethics” but in this case you will need to make a reference to “Engineers Australia Code of Ethics” in at least one of your Career Episodes. You can find the “code” in this link:


We are giving you few indictor examples for PE3.1 wording below: For Engineering Technologist this element is exactly same, therefore this guidance would pally for Engineering Technologists as well as to Professional Engineers.


I strictly implemented on-site safety norms, and with my proactive measures, I avoided any accidents.

I strictly followed my company’s waste segregation policy and I ensured that all the waste materials such as the concentrate wastes were safely disposed at the dedicated points.

I took all the required precautions, preventive maintenance and evaluation of safety to mitigate work related risks.


If you need any help with your Summary Statement or an entire CDR preparation, do contact us on . You can also find free information on CDR preparation and other useful tips  on our Facebook page or on our website




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