
How CDRsample keeps the prices for Competency Demonstration Report writing services down

CDR Writing prices

In this blogpost, we would like to share how we in CDRSample keeps the CDR Writing prices for the services down comparing to the market.

What do we do to keep CDR Writing prices down.

First of all – we never advertise using AdWords or other paid advertisement anywhere online.

For you as services (or product) buyer it is important to understand that if you buy any services from a company that has massive online advertisement, you, as a buyer pay for this advertisement campaign from your pocket. Companies who use advertisement to promote their sales through paid campaigns need to cover their costs and they have to increase prices for their services and products.


We, in CDRsample never use paid advertising, you will never see us on google AdWords or similar and this helps us keeping the price for our services relatively low.


Second – we don’t have a physical office. Same principal here: Companies who have physical offices would need to pay for these offices and the only way they can do this is by covering for these expenses by increasing the cost for their services / product.

CDRsample is an on-line based company. We do not have an office, hence we don’t need to pay for it and can maintain low price for our services.


Third – We don’t have a call centre. All communication with our Clients is done on email. This method has proven its suitability and convenience over 8 years that we operate. Using emails instead of phone conversations is convenient as emails are picked up quickly and our Clients don’t need to adjust themselves to the time difference. We have many Clients from Far East and Australia that can send us an email at any time and this is just as convenient as for Client who live closer to our time zone.


Please read our articles here https://www.facebook.com/cdrsample and here https://cdrsample.com/blogs/ . Please contact us on cdr@cdrsample.com for any queries related to CDR preparation.

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