MSA booklet for CDR guidance

MSA booklet

When you write your Competency Demonstration Report (CDR), the first thing you need to do is to acquire MSA booklet from Engineers Australia web site. MSA booklet contains all required information for your CDR preparation and all other documentation you need to send with your application.

You can download the recent version of the MSA booklet form the following link:

The MSA booklets are usually renewed on annual basis. If you are to apply through CDR pathway, the most important pages for you to read are pages 16-20. These pages provide explanation on CDR components and additional documentation you need to  provide to  Engineers Australia within your application.

Information on Summary Statement preparation in MSA booklet

The MSA booklet also provides information about Summary Statement. Summary Statement is the most important part of the CDR.  The brief of all Summary Statement’s units and elements is given on pages 21-24, one page for each Occupational Category. If you are a Professional Engineer, the brief on page 21 would be applicable to you.

This brief of Units and Elements then explained with more details on pages 31-48 for all Occupational Categories. But you don’t need to read information that is not relevant to your Occupational Category.  If you are a Professional Engineer, then you need to refer to page 21 where a brief description of Units and Elements is given and then go to pages 32-36 where description of all indicators in given.

In each element there are several indicators. For a successful Summary Statement you need to refer to as many indicators as you can. We would recommend referring  to minimum of two indicators for the  first and the  third parts of Summary Statement and to at least three for the second and the core part of Summary  Statement.

In CDRsample we are dealing with CDR preparation for over 10 years. We strictly follow all Engineers Australia requirements described in MSA booklet. Contact us today for CDR writing, Summary Statement writing or CDR review on For more information please visit us on

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