How to Fill your Summary Statement (Element 2.2 – part 1)

Summary Statement

Last week, we finished the first element of the second part of the Professional Engineer Summary Statement document that is dedicated to the application of the engineering ability. Today we present the second element of competency entitled: “2.2 Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources.

On this part of the Summary Statement, applicants need to focus on the demonstration of their ability to proficiently select and use tools and resources that were made available to them during the projects described in the three Career Episodes, and also showcase the fluent application of specific engineering work methods. This does not only concern tools and resources in the traditional sense, but also everything else that may reside in the context of the term like books, technical information websites, experiment results, simulation data, and highly-specialized equipment.

The importance of this element of competency is considered to be very high as this is the point where applicants have to prove the existence of a core part of their skillset in a professional level. This importance and wide spectrum covered by element 2.2 is reflected by the fact that there are ten different indicators of attainment that correspond to this part of the document. Because of the limited extend of this document, we will show how you can fill the first two indicators with the use of examples, while the rest of the indicators will be covered in the following weeks.

a.) Proficiently identifies, selects and applies the materials, components, devices, systems, processes, resources, plant and equipment relevant to the engineering discipline.

Example: I identified that the use of Tantalum-based compounds in the semiconductors production would significantly decrease the Errors per Million rate for the produced solid state drives, and so I suggested the relevant change in the process.

Example: I selected the proper pipe cutting tool after determining the pipe material hardness, diameter, and pipe wall thickness from datasheets, and its underground morphology from the on-site schematics.

b.) Constructs or selects and applies from a qualitative description of a phenomenon, process, system, component or device a mathematical, physical or computational model based on fundamental scientific principles and justifiable simplifying assumptions.

Example: I used the finite element method on Autodesk FEA to generate a numerical as well as illustrative solution to the heat equation of the newly designed pump casing model.

Example: I modeled the semiconductor with its P-N junctions to simulate the micro-electronic circuit in order to define the stress voltage and current in the diodes.

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