Finding your professional job when moving abroad

professional job

Today I’d like to carry on with the previous topic and carry on with a story on most difficult things I experienced when relocating abroad. In the last article I described one of the main difficulties that I faced and that was the language barrier. The second main difficulty I needed to deal with was a struggle to find a professional job.

In my case, I moved abroad in a middle of economic crisis and companies were generally not recruiting at that time. At the beginning I needed to get temporary, not professional jobs before I came back to my professional engineering job with a large and established company.

Try to find professional job in advance

In attempt to try and reduce the stress of looking and find a professional job, I’d advise to do a research on jobs available for you in the country and area you are moving to and maybe even create a contact with the companies who may recruit you before you are moving. Few companies would do a telephone /  skype interview. This would be very advantageous if you can take such an interview as this was you’d have an idea what are the common questions in interviews and maybe you could secure a job before you are arriving to your destination country.

Nowadays Linked IN is used for work search and there are many positive recommendations I hear from people I know on using this professional social media for job search. You can reach out to companies in your destination country and advance with your recruitment process.


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