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How to Fill your Summary Statement (Element 3.1)

Summary Statement

Reaching the final part of the Summary Statement for Professional Engineer applicants, today we take a look at the first element of competency that concerns the professional and personal attributes. The element 3.1 is entitled: “Ethical conduct and professional accountability”, so it is mainly focused on the demonstration of the ethics, morals, and deontology of the applicant. There are four indicators of attainment that can be used for the filling of this part of the document, namely:

a.) Demonstrates commitment to uphold the Engineers Australia – Code of Ethics, and established norms of professional conduct pertinent to the engineering discipline.

Example: Being an ethical professional, I respect my subordinates and assign them tasks in the context of developing an equal workload for all of them, and not based on racial, sexual, or any kind of mental discriminations.

Example: After the completion of the raising of the buildings complex, I organized a plantation session to restore the trees that had been removed from the area during the demolition stage. Moreover, I conducted recycling courses, and promoted a sustainable mentality to the new residents.

b.) Understands the need for ‘due-diligence’ in certification, compliance and risk management processes.

Example: I identified and characterized the risks in the implementation and operation of the toxic disposal plant, so I arranged for a meeting with consultants from the country’s Environmental Protection Agency who advised me on the procedures, and authorized the construction according to the requirements.

Example: Before we initiated work on the site, I gathered all of the required licenses and permits from the construction department of the province. This ensured that the project would progress without unforeseen delays and/or fines.

c.) Understands the accountabilities of the professional engineer and the broader engineering team for the safety of other people and for protection of the environment.

Example: I ordered special nano-carbon filters that would filter the dangerous rhodium treatment gases as they left the post-heating chambers. This protected the workers from developing respiratory problems, and also protected the environment and air quality around the plant.

Example: The reproduction procedure of the local fauna was negatively affected by certain sound frequencies that were within the range of those produced by the electric power generators installed at the repeater sites. For this reason, I installed sound-insulating panels around the power units.

d.) Is aware of the fundamental principles of intellectual property rights and protection.

Example: I asked and was granted a user license for a patented technology based on stereolithography, which I needed to utilize in order to achieve rapid prototyping. I also cited the author of the owner of this patent in my final technical report.

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