How to Fill your Summary Statement (Element 2.1 – part 2)

Summary Statement

Continuing our guide on the filling of the Element 2.1 of the Professional Engineer Summary Statement document, this week we look into the next three indicators and what applicants should focus on. Last week, we described the filling methods for the first three indicators of the particular element, so in the case that you have missed it, go back and read part one first.

d) Partitions problems, processes or systems into manageable elements for the purposes of analysis, modeling or design and then re-combines to form a whole, with the integrity and performance of the overall system as the paramount consideration.

Example: Due to the fact that the milling of the workpiece was performed in multiple stages, I had to set up quality testing checkpoints in five different spots in order to figure out the source of the defective processing. I divided the process into stages to enable thorough investigation.

Example: In order to speed up the production of the metal clips, I divided the processing procedure into four distinct phases (melting, molding, post-processing, painting) that were performed by personnel that was dedicated to specific and narrow-responsibility roles.

e) Conceptualizes alternative engineering approaches and evaluates potential outcomes against appropriate criteria to justify an optimal solution choice.

Example: Based on my calculations, I knew that the electric power generator would be inadequate during rush hours, and so I proposed the installation of an additional solar panel to cover the extra energy demand.

Example: Although manufacturing the glass frames on 3D printers was apparently faster, the time needed for product polishing exceeded the financial benefits by far, and so I proposed the limitation of 3D printers for the production of prototypes only.

f) Critically reviews and applies relevant standards and codes of practice underpinning the engineering discipline and nominated specializations.

Example: The preliminary project scope document suggested the use of quality standards but didn’t mention any particular sets. I decided to follow the guidelines described on the ISO 9001:2015 set as those are internationally accepted.

Example: I chose the safety equipment supplier by conducting impact and material strength tests on the provided helmets, according to the requirements of the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) F1446-13 guidelines.

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