Engineering Category for your CDR

Engineering Category


There are 4 Engineering categories under which you can apply for migration skills assessment through CDR : Professional Engineer (PE), Engineering Technologist (ET), Engineering Associate (EA) and Engineering Manager (EM). General Engineering Category role descriptions are given in Engineers Australia booklet (on pages 32, 37, 42 and 47 respectively).

We would like to explain about the most popular Professional Engineer category here and direct you to apply under this category only if you have the relevant experience. Otherwise your case will probably be downgraded to another more appropriate category anyway or even rejected.

Professional Engineering Category: Is a wide Engineering role that should involve taking responsibility of a project as a whole. From general role description from EA booklet, I am copying the very beginning of the general role description:

“Professional Engineers are required to take responsibility for engineering projects and programs in the most far-reaching sense. This includes the reliable functioning of all materials, components, sub-systems and technologies used; their integration to form a complete, sustainable and self-consistent system; and all interactions between the technical system and the context within which it functions”.

At the same time you need to have an intense design experience as well (or be responsible for a big design exercise), to fill the information of the second section of the Summary Statement.  That design experience should be a major one, not just designing one small component of equipment or install couple of switches; it has to be a proper big system design, major equipment, main part of the building for Structure Eng etc.

So, to conclude, applicants in Professional Engineering category must have: 1. Taking care of major aspects of a project as whole see page 32 of EA booklet. 2. Have major design experience.

If you only have a minor design experience and majority of your responsibilities were not related to the Professional Engineer role description, you should probably apply under Engineering Associate category.

Engineering Associate category: Is the only category where the you can get on without a proper design experience, the applicant could be ok with Engineering related experience but does not necessarily has to have any design experience, the list of examples of what kind of experience Engineers Australia can have is long and variable.  From the general role description in EA booklet:

“Examples of their roles may include feasibility investigation, scoping, establishing criteria/performance measures, assessing and reporting technical and procedural options; design and development; component, resources and materials sourcing and procurement; construction, prototyping, manufacture, testing, installation, commissioning, service provision and de-commissioning; tools, plant, equipment and facilities acquisition, management, maintenance, calibration and upgrades; operations management; procedures documentation; presentation and reporting; maintenance systems design and management; project and facility management; quality assurance, costing and budget management; document control and quality assurance”.

If you need any assistance with your CDR for migration skills assessment with the Engineers Australia or you IPENZ application for new Zealand please contact us on We always advise our Clients on the right Engineering category for the assessment.

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