We continue our posts with the description of what are the must and must-not to include in the sixth element of competence when applying for EA chartered status.
The sixth element of competence titled “Identify, assess and manage risks” is related to the hazard and risk framework that the engineers are asked to operate within. In this element specific description should be provided on how you have orchestrated a general safety plan to manage and deal with risks. Focus on hazards and risks of commercial, technical, material, environmental, social nature that you have identified during the projects you were engaged, the ways you reported on them and the consequences you have underlined.
Refer to safety workshops you have organized. Mention meetings you took part in where you and other participants described possible risks in construction, operation, maintenance and commissioning and focus on the plan you formed in order to effectively and proactively deal with them as a team.
Refer to how you have managed risks: through design reviews, risk audits, PPE, following risk assessment procedures. HAZOP, HAZID, JSEA studies and risk assessment documents you have produced should definitely be included in the narrative. General information on these documents can be included in the narration, such as how you have constructed these documents (risk tables with likelihoods and consequences).
Do not be very descriptive on the actual problems, and do not provide extensive technical details. Being very detailed on a risk/hazard you have dealt entails the danger of losing the actual point of this element that is the procedures that were followed in order to locate in advance, evaluate and handle these risks.
For further instructions on EA chartered as well as in other elements you can email us directly on cdr@cdrsample.com or you can visit our website www.cdrsample.com. We will be happy to provide more information and assist you with your application for chartered membership.