CDR assistance and preparation, step by step

CDR assistance

Checking of your completed CDR

We provide several types of CDR assistance:

If you have completed writing your CDR and wish a professional to check its structure, style and perform linguistic analysis of your report, this service is for you. We test your Episodes and Summary Statement for presence of all the “units and elements of competency” and prepare the Advice Report with our conclusions. The Advice Report includes our findings, suggestions and advises about the structure and content of your Competency Demonstration Report. This type of CDR assistance includes:


Structural, style and linguistic analysis of each episode

Examination of the Summary Statement

Preparation of the Advice Report


Checking of your completed Competency Demonstration Report can normally be done within 5-7 days.


Remember that preparation of the Competence Demonstration Report is your own work. We provide advices and suggestions but can’t guarantee positive result of your assessment. However we are experienced in CDR preparation and our clients are satisfied with our service.


If you want to find out more about CDR assistance we provide just follow our posts on FB and in our blogs section or contact us directly on:

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