3 DAYS left to the 30% CDR writing services discount!

CDR writing services

Only 3 days left to our 30% discount for all our CDR writing services. Don’t miss it out and order our services at reduced price!

We now celebrate 8 years in CDR writing field and want to share this with you, our Clients! At the moment we offer 30% discount to all CDR writing services. Our usual price for CDR preparation was $499 and now it is  $349 – this is $150 off the usual price. There is also a speedy service available now at reduced price.

Check our prices here: https://cdrsample.com/cdr-writing-prices/#price1

We also would like to share just some of our Client’s feedback on our services with you:

“Just a quick status update: I just got a positive reply for my Migration skills assessment from Engineers Australia last week! Thanks a lot for your help and support!” Client from Australia

“I am writing this mail to thank you and your team who has worked for my CDR Report. Now, I have received POSITIVE OUTCOME from Engineers Australia today. I’m really happy and need to share my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to you all the Team out there. Thanks All!!” Client from UAE

We operate 8 years and we are the oldest company in the market that offer dedicated CDR for our Clients. Our experience speaks for us and is expressed in very high success rates: 99% of our Clients pass the assessment on a first try.

If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us on cdr@cdrsample.com. If you have CDR prepared by yourself, hire the specialists to check your CDR for compliance with the  EA requirements – we have free evaluation services available for you. And, of course, current 30% discount is not to be missed out!

Read about our team and the way we work here: https://cdrsample.com/about-cdrsample/

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