Engineers Australia Summary Statement

Engineers Australia Summary Statement

This article will deal with further in-depth analyses of the Engineers Australia Summary Statement and all its components. Here we will concentrate on the Elements PE1.3, PE1.4. and PE1.5. We will provide the basic descriptions, requirements, and how to meet them. The previous part of this Tutorial can be found on our website, posted on 28th July, 2020.

We recommend that you include at least two indicators for these three element in your Summary Statement.

Section 1.3: “In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline.”

In order for their Engineers Australia Summary Statement to pass the engineering applicants will need to showcase their aptitude to include their advanced technical knowledge and skills in their relevant engineering discipline in order to satisfy the requirements of this third element of the Summary Statement. The engineering disciplines that can be considered include the following: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics Engineering etc.

What is specialist practice domain for Engineers Australia Summary Statement ?

First of all we need to describe the “specialist practice domain” so you may understand how to fill in the one indicator of the third element. This specific term is defined as “the specific area of knowledge and practice within an engineering discipline, such as geotechnics, power systems, manufacturing process, etc” – and presented in the MSA booklet (page 25).

Now, in order to do this properly, we believe a couple of example of what the “specialist practice domain” represents should be introduced at this point.

So, for Civil Engineers the examples are: structural integrity evaluation, road and highway engineering and geotechnics etc.

For Mechanical Engineers the examples are: industrial production equipment, internal combustion engines and robotics, mechanical equipment design etc.

Electronics Engineering can be showcased with the following examples: PLC programming, circuitry design, computer software and communication equipment, etc.

Petroleum Engineers can use: plant control and management, fluid mechanics and/or drilling and geotechnics.

Chemical Engineers have: Chemical process design, Chemical equipment design and Front End Engineering Design (FEED).

For Aeronautical Engineering you may use: aerodynamics, jet propulsion, aerospace engineering and aircraft frame design.

For Agricultural Engineers: natural resources , agricultural machines and farm equipment, geotechnics.

All the above mentioned specific skills and technical knowledge are needed to fill the indicators of your Engineers Australia Summary Statement. Thus, the applicant has to be aware of the characteristics of the chosen occupation category (or ANZSCO code). In order to check your ANZSCO code specifications please consider the list with all Engineering codes on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

The list of possible examples to use when preparing this element is presented below:

1.) I developed a maximum efficiency production plan in the manufacturing plant.

2.) I am conversant in using and applying telecom engineering and networking equipment in mega infrastructures.

3.) I possess advanced skills in production planning and I utilize these skills for successful completion of my projects.

4.) I have proven knowledge of fluid dynamics which I applied in my projects.

5.) I was responsible for all mud engineering work during the project.

We will now proceed and closely consider the forth part of the first section of a Summary Statement.


Section 1.4: “Discernment of knowledge development and research directions within the engineering discipline.”

In this Section of the Engineers Australia Summary Statement the applicants have to concentrate on the examples of their experience which will illustrate their knowledge and awareness of the most current advances in their respective engineering discipline. This includes the domain or practice and also encompasses your ability to search, identify, and then select and use any technical literature and/or other sources of information specialized for that purpose.

The fourth Section of the first Table of the SS has two indicators to be filled in:

a) Identifies and critically appraises current developments, advanced technologies, emerging issues and interdisciplinary linkages in at least one specialist practice domain of the engineering discipline.

b.) Interprets and applies selected research literature to inform engineering application in at least one specialist domain of the engineering discipline.

For the first indicator you may use examples which clearly identify what pioneering solutions you have found through research. This also includes your knowledge of specific modern techniques and work methods, the ones which were already proven to be successful in the real world of industry and lab research. Lastly, you may try to classify any theoretical and practical association or accord among two or more engineering disciplines.

For the second indicator you may present your research activities, so it will be concentrated more on your research methodology and evaluation of research results. During the noted research you may have found and used selected technical literature, other engineering literature or operator’s manual and manufacturer’s guidelines, so all these can be used to benefit your 2nd indicator.

As for the other parts of the Engineers Australia Summary Statement we are showcasing some examples to help you on your way:

1.) I used the internet in a daily basis to get updated about the most pioneering solutions applied in problems similar to those I was facing during my projects.

2.) I regularly visited my University’s library to search for relevant scholar material and took notes of my findings for further research in future sessions.

3.) I learned about innovative methodologies for the installation of pumping systems, challenging established practice methods in the field with beneficial end results.

4.) I leveraged the company’s library and used technical books that contained mathematical formulas that I needed for the design of my systems.

5.) I was a subscriber of the “Modern Engineer” magazine, and so I remained informed about the latest developments in my field of profession.

Continuing with the Section 1.5 right away and further explaining the 1st Part of the Engineers Australia Summary Statement for Engineers Australia Migration Skill Assessment.

Section 1.5: “Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the engineering discipline” 

Firstly, it is important to make sense of the title of this Section for the Engineers Australia Summary Statement. The important term here is “contextual factors” and they represent all the instances that are consistent with and relevant to your respective engineering discipline.

In order to clarify further these contextual factors, we are presenting few additional examples, connected to specific ANZSCO codes. A Civil Engineer may use a contextual factor such as the national earthquake regulations, or reports on weather conditions which occur during the mixture of cement, or for example a selection of appropriate technicians to work on the platforms raised. Regarding another ANZSCO, a contextual factor for Electrical Engineering is a set of safety precautions relating to prevention of electricity hazard situations.

This fifth element includes possible usage of five indicators for illustration and justification:

a.) Identifies and understands the interactions between engineering systems and people in the social, cultural, environmental, commercial, legal and political contexts in which they operate, including both the positive role of engineering in sustainable development and the potentially adverse impacts of engineering activity in the engineering discipline.

Example on “legal” context: I visited the Urban Planning office to get informed about the legislative requirements that I had to respect in my designs.

Example on “cultural” context: To develop a shift plan of maximum efficiency for my project, I took into account the praying time intervals for Muslim workers.

Example on “environmental” context: To achieve a minimum disposal of polluting heavy metals into the ground of the site, I subjected the effluent water to an electrowinning / precipitation (CEP) process.


b.) Is aware of the founding principles of human factors relevant to the engineering discipline.

Example: For the design of the new production line, I took into account the good in-work environment climate and adequate air-flow, ensured intense lighting in all areas, and provisioned the placement of noise stoppers and vibration absorbers around the machines. This secured a pleasant working environment for the workers.

Example: I designed the monitor and control panel interface to be ergonomic, in order to minimize errors. I also placed the screen at the median eye-sight height of the four operators and considered ergonomics and ease of access.


c.) Is aware of the fundamentals of business and enterprise management.

Example: I planned the project schedule, organized the execution of all tasks, coordinated employees, and controlled the outflow of the project’s financial resources.

Example: I have considered a number of suppliers and made a comprehensive comparison between them taking into account their reliability, previous experience, and cost.


d.) Identifies the structure, roles and capabilities of the engineering workforce.

Example: When I started the project I have filed a RACI matrix that would identify each person responsibilities for the project.

Example: I asked the workers to fill in a form about fear of heights and use of medication before I selected the scaffolding technicians.

e.) Appreciates the issues associated with international engineering practice and global
operating contexts.

Example: Knowing that my reports and technical manuals could be widely used to help technicians that use the equipment around the globe, I decided to write them in English.

Example: This project has included equipment installation in Europe and I had to make sure that we adhere to the local legislation and standards.


In the next article we are going to proceed with the Tutorial and speak about the Section 1.6.; and starting the Table 2 explanations of your Engineers Australia Summary Statement.

If you need further explanations, other than the ones presented here, you may visit our website and Blog section:; or simply contact us directly:; for a tailor made feedback, specific to your CDR case and requirements.

If you already have your Career Episodes written, we would be happy to assist you with the Summary Statement writing.

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