EA Summary Statement

EA Summary Statement

This is the final tutorial for EA Summary Statement  skills assessment for immigration and membership purposes. With the Sections 3.5 and 3.6 we will finalize the explanations for the entire Summary Statement (SS) preparation. This part of the guidance will allow for further explanations on the SS elements and provide additional examples to show how you can showcase your own work in the same instances. Consider the explanations first and then utilize the examples to further clarify and connect with your own illustrations.


Section 3.5: “Orderly management of self, and professional conduct.”


The most important part of this assessment Section of the EA Summary Statement is to present your determination to conduct life-long learning and improvement in your work. This also includes your personal development, merging with the most current developments and improvements and enhancement of your professional skillset. Finally here you should present your ability to understand and use participation in communities to further strengthen your knowledge and expertise.


a.) Demonstrates commitment to critical self-review and performance evaluation against appropriate criteria as a primary means of tracking personal development needs and achievements.

Here you should illustrate how you evaluated and reflected upon your own work and, on the basis of that, improved your work.

Example: I used the comprehensive data that I gathered by tracking my own work, and focused on incidents that increased the chances of accidents. Based on these findings, I enriched the company’s safety training courses with two new chapters that would hopefully decrease the accident rates by far.

Example: I compared the production processes that I developed with the performance of other major organizations in the same field, and drew safe conclusions about the task execution capabilities, and the effectiveness of the established procedures.


b.) Understands the importance of being a member of a professional and intellectual community, learning from its knowledge and standards, and contributing to their maintenance and advancement.

In this part of the EA Summary Statement present any memberships you have with engineering professional bodies and how you learned from their advice or assistance.

Example: I actively participated in the most populated online forums dedicated to the topics of Electrical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering. This helped me get advice from experienced experts, and also allowed me to share my own knowledge and experience with others.

Example:  Being a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers allowed me to be one of the very first professionals to get informed about the latest technological, practical, and theoretical advancements and developments in the field.


c.) Demonstrates commitment to life-long learning and professional development.

Present how your life-long learning was actually implemented.

Example: While I was working in California, I regularly checked the seminars schedule of the Mechanical and Civil Engineering department of Caltech University, and attended most of them. This helped me stay up to date with the most recent discoveries and realizations in my field of profession.

Example: I am regularly reading online journals and publications circulated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers such as the “Antennas and Propagations Magazine”, “Communications Surveys and Tutorials”, “Intelligent Systems”, and the “Nanotechnology Magazine”.


d.) Manages times and processes effectively, prioritizes competing demands to achieve personal, career and organizational goals and objectives.

This part of the EA Summary Statement is to illustrate how you increased effectiveness through management of your work and production processes, by planning and setting goals in advance.

Example: Based on the Pareto principle, I identified the 20% of the most productive members of my department, and adjusted the workflow priorities in a way that would utilize them at the maximum possible level.

Example: I prepared timelines for each task and set deadlines on the calendar which I shared online with all stakeholders. This helped me track the progress of each activity and intensify work where it was required.


e.) Thinks critically and applies an appropriate balance of logic and intellectual criteria to analysis, judgment and decision making.

Illustrate how you have used critical thinking and provided analyses to better your work.

Example: I helped the company executives in their decision making by providing insight through the establishment of performance indicators monitoring procedures, allowing them to identify inefficient sectors and to foresee problems from early on.

Example: I established a decision making procedure that suggested the assignment of specialization flags in each topic, with each flag corresponding to a group of experts in a particular field who met and discussed on a solid basis.


f.) Presents a professional image in all circumstances, including relations with clients, stakeholders, as well as with professional and technical colleagues across wide ranging disciplines.

Professional conduct in all aspects of your work will be essential for optimal results. Hence, you need to present it here and the advice is to use valid and various aspects of your work to better cover the subject.

Example: I set up a webserver where I uploaded all reports and engineering documents relating to the project. I gave access to all stakeholders on this platform, thus keeping them up to date in a modern and professional way.

Example: I met with the client on a weekly basis, presenting the progress of the work in a professional manner, showcasing data tables, timeline analytics, photographs of the site, and a selection of personnel report information.


Section 3.6: “Effective team membership and team leadership”


Team effort is essential for engineering work, due to different aspects each project needs to cover. This is dealt with in this Section of the EA Summary Statement. Hence, here you present your ability to work with a team of professionals, but also the ability to lead your team members to a successful finalization of your projects. In order to do that illustrate how you conducted your collaboration in demanding work environments, as well as your accountability of your own actions.


a.) Understands the fundamentals of team dynamics and leadership.

Showcase examples of how you improved your team’s performance with your leadership skills.

Example: I successfully led a team of Mechanical Engineers, providing technical guidance during our daily meetings, giving instructions on the equipment installation procedures, and ensuring safety at the workplace.


Example: In order to maximize the team’s efficiency, I made sure to increase the satisfaction rates of the employees by allowing them frequent breaks, and by establishing a bonus system based on the individual performance.


b.) Functions as an effective member or leader of diverse engineering teams, including those with multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural dimensions.

The EA Summary Statement here is to illustrate how you diversified your leadership skills to various engineering departments and teams.

Example: Because there were diverse international teams of engineers working on the site, I selected a head representative of each nation who could understand English terminology, and could reproduce my instructions in the native language of each group of technicians.

Example: Being the head of the automated systems development department, I organized and attended meetings with the leader of the electrical and electronics design department, and the head of the manufacturing.


c.) Earns the trust and confidence of colleagues through competent and timely completion of tasks.

Using your own work as an example for your team is the best way to lead your team, and try to think of examples that will show that here.

Example: My immaculate planning and personal dedication to the project won me the respect of colleagues, managers, and subordinates alike.

Example: I utilized advanced project management techniques such as Gantt charts, workflow tables, and weekly progress reports, leading to the timely completion of all the subsequent tasks and scheduled activities.


d.) Recognizes the value of alternative and diverse viewpoints, scholarly advice and the importance of professional networking.

In this part of the EA Summary Statement present how you improved your team’s work by networking and timely consultation sessions with your team members.

Example: When the product development started, I established weekly meetings with the leaders of the electrical, mechanical, and automation engineers’ teams. This way, experts in each field had the chance to explain the product intricacies relating to their field, and how the designs of the other parts would affect theirs.

Example: I organized a brainstorming session which was attended by experienced telecommunication engineers who provided their insight and possible explanations on the investigated problem.


e.) Confidently pursues and discerns expert assistance and professional advice.

Example: I frequently visited engineering forums and technical IRC channels asking for advice on the fields that were part of my work, but outside my expertise.

Example: I communicated with an international team of experts working in the same organization as I was through Skype. This not only helped me to overcome problems, but also to prevent issues from arising.


f.) Takes initiative and fulfills the leadership role whilst respecting the agreed roles of others.

This part is to show your distribution or roles and engagements to team members according to their expertise and role in the project or task.

Example: I led a team of five chemical engineers to success, by organizing their testing sessions and providing the required equipment, procuring the consumables, and making safety gear available in the lab, as per the requirements.

Example: When the emergency shutdown occurred, I immediately assigned tasks to all technicians based on the roles that they fulfilled throughout their service in the company.


With this final EA Summary Statement tutorial we have presented all the Sections and particular elements of a Summary Statement. Your feedbacks and notices have been helpful to direct our efforts to the most important parts, and we appreciate them very much.

Once again, thank you for your support during the making of this Tutorial and hope we have been able to shed some light and better your CDR preparation skills. If you wish to know more, or enquire about our CDR preparation services please visit us on www.cdrsample.com.

For a free of charge evaluation of your own CDR case contact us directly with the details of your CDR case via email: cdr@cdrsample.com.


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