General Tips – Career Episode writing 2

Career Episode writing

Engineers, If you are about to immigrate to Australia and now thinking how to approach your Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) preparation, we will now continue the topic and provide you further guidance on Career Episodes writing. This article is about Career Episode writing.

Career Episode writing tips – selecting the right topic.

How to choose the right topics for your Career Episodes? Say you have several projects you have took part in the past and you don’t know what project would be more suitable for Career Episodes. In this case you need to choose the project that would cover majority of responsibilities described in your ANZSCO code description.

At the same time projects you chosen to describe in your Career Episodes need to cover as many competencies as possible from your Summary Statement. Requirements for Summary Statement are available from Engineers Australia (EA) booklet. Please download the booklet from Engineers Australia website – see “migration skills assessment” section. By the end of the booklet description of all indicators is given per Occupational Category.

If you don’t know how to approach writing your Career Episodes, start from the beginning: Introduction and Background sections are quite straightforward. On page 20 of the EA booklet there is an exact description of what you need to include in these sections of your Career Episodes and how long each section should be.

The hardest part of the Career Episode is the Personal Engineering Activity part. In the Background section, there is a requirement to provide a statement of your duties. Statement of your duties can usually be copied from your CV and modified as needed. You can start writing the Personal Engineering Activity part of the Career Episode by expanding each of these duties paying special attention that design related activities are described particularly well.

In the next article we will continue providing you tips and recommendations on writing Career Episodes.

If you have any questions in regards to CDR preparation or if you need an advice, please contact us on

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